Off means on! This is actually a great example of what I define as a Dark Pattern. It’s a user interface that uses manipulative techniques… Read More »

Manipulation is deceptive. Design should be supportive. Theoretically, the two are separated by intention. But increasingly, in practice, the two forces are converging. As I… Read More »

Hey you, designer, put that coffee down. How Caffeine Can Cramp Creativity : The New Yorker

Fooled By Your Own Brain

A well written, interesting article covering some basics of perception and how easy it is to fool us humans. Fooled By Your Own Brain

“If you’re like the vast majority of Köhler’s respondents, you’re compelled by the idea that malumas are soft and rounded (like the shape on the… Read More »

Some useful stuff from Google Google I/O 2013 – Cognitive Science and Design (by GoogleDevelopers) “This session will provide an in-depth look at human perception… Read More »