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Psychology for Designers the book coming soon.  (via Twitter / FullCreamMilk: This is really happening …)

To be a designer means to be creative and it’s hard to be creative without finding pleasure in our work.  “Alain de Botton examines our… Read More »

[slideshare id=21504596&style=border:1px solid #CCC;border-width:1px 1px 0;margin-bottom:5px&sc=no] Hello FOWD NYC. (Source: http://www.slideshare.net/)

neuroimages: 4,000-year-old brain preserved after boiling in its own juices. Discover/ Altinoz et al. (2013)

A coercive monetization model depends on the ability to “trick” a person into making a purchase with incomplete information, or by hiding that information such… Read More »

Nice to see numbers against the theory. I’m not sure why they didn’t credit BJ Fogg, they’e his ideas after all.  My mistake they are… Read More »